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Action plan in pipeline to implement Belarus-Russia R&D development strategy

MINSK, 29 March (BelTA) – Belarus and Russia are working out an action plan on implementing a strategy of scientific and technological development. Russian Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov made the statement during the expert and mass media forum “Union State. Scientific breakthrough”, BelTA has learned.

Valery Falkov said: “The Russian Science and Higher Education Ministry, the Belarusian Education Ministry, and the State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus in association with the Standing Committee of the Union State of Belarus and Russia continue systemic integration work for the sake of forming the common educational space and the unified scientific and technological space of the Union State of Belarus and Russia. I’d like to mention the special role played by the Kurchatov Institute and the academies of sciences of both countries in scientific interaction.”

The strategy to guide scientific and technological development of the Union State of Belarus and Russia till 2035 was approved at a session of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of Belarus and Russia in St. Petersburg on 29 January 2024. “This extremely important and timely initiative is meant to coordinate Belarusian and Russian scientific institutes in various fields of science for the sake of forming the common space. We are talking about genome research, biotechnologies, nuclear medicine, resource-saving power engineering, high-tech agribusiness, and many other things. We are now working out an action plan on realizing this strategy,” the minister said.

“Thinking about the long-term perspective, we are already laying down the foundation for the development of top-priority functional and applied studies,” Valery Falkov concluded.
