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Documents to start main phase of Belarusian nuclear station construction ready in August


The acquisition of the general license to start the main phase of the nuclear power plant construction, the signing of the relevant resolution of the Council of Ministers and the relevant presidential decree are expected in August. The information was released by Mikhail Filimonov, Director of the Nuclear Power Plant Construction Directorate, at the plenary session of the national seminar held in Ostrovets, Grodno Oblast on 7 August to discuss construction and production management using the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant as an example, BelTA has learned.

According to Mikhail Filimonov, expert evaluation of the design documents is nearly over, the permitting documents may be issued soon. He also confirmed that everything is ready for pouring concrete at the construction site of the first power-generating unit of the nuclear power plant as far as technical and technological aspects are concerned.

In turn, commenting on the progress of the nuclear power plant construction in Ostrovets, Chairman of the State Control Committee Alexander Yakobson said he was concerned that the time gap generated by operations completed ahead of schedule during the preparatory phase is now beginning to shrink. “Some matters are too formalized, we are stuck a bit – I mean the acquisition of the general license and public hearings involving Lithuania. Holding public hearings in Belarus if we cannot arrange them in Lithuania is the right decision,” said the official. In his words, a little bit of effort is needed to overcome problems and start the main phase of the construction project. “We have about four months in reserve and I hope the reserve will stay because it is a good idea to have spare time down the road for all kinds of reasons”. The State Control Committee is in charge of monitoring the construction progress in line with the relevant presidential decree.

BelTA reported earlier that public hearings of the environmental impact assessment report are scheduled to take place in Ostrovets on 17 August in line with requirements of the Espoo Convention. The Embassy of Belarus in Lithuania will issue free visas to all representatives of the general public of Lithuania, who are willing to take part in the hearings. The nuclear Power Plant Construction Directorate will provide transportation. The environmental impact assessment report in Lithuanian, Russian, and English as well as detailed information about the hearings are available on the website of the Embassy of Belarus and the website of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry.