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BelNPP to reduce annual carbon emissions by about 10m tonnes

The Belarusian NPP will allow reducing carbon emissions by about ten million tonnes per year, Advisor of Rusatom Overseas (a daughter company of Rosatom Corporation) Sergei Boyarkin told the online conference on the BelTA website on 22 March.

“The launch of the two-unit NPP in Belarus will help not only decrease the consumption of imported gas, but also reduce carbon emissions,” Sergei Boyarkin said. Annual carbon emissions will fall by about ten million tonnes because the consumption of coal will decline.

According to Sergei Boyarkin, any operational nuclear generation unit reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and has a positive ecological effect.

Climate change and clean energy are high on the agenda nowadays. Often ecological organizations forget that today nuclear energy is the only existing generation method, without taking into account theoretical energy sources, such as wind and solar stations, which does not produce emissions of greenhouse gases, Sergei Boyarkin stressed.