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Belarus NPP construction four months ahead of schedule


The construction works at the first reactor of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (NPP) are four months ahead of schedule, the works on the second reactor are almost 8-10 months ahead of schedule, First Vice Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko said at the opening of the 5th international specialized expo and conference AtomExpo Belarus 2013 on 2 April.

In his words, the exhibition bears applied relevance as Belarus is currently constructing its first nuclear power plant. “It will be a significant project for our energy sector,” Vladimir Semashko said. “The implementation of the project is in full swing. We are completing development works on unit No.1. The works are four months ahead of schedule with an absolute compliance with quality and technology. As for the second unit, here we are also hitting our major deadlines and are 8-10 months ahead of schedule,” the First Vice Premier said.

According to Vladimir Semashko, the President’s order to construct the most reliable, cutting-edge and cheapest plant is met: “It will be the most reliable plant once it will be fitted with all the cutting-edge passive and active protection elements. With this, we are doing out best to make the plant the most economical both in its construction and exploitation.” Among others it is reached by the maximum use of domestic materials, workforce, machinery and component parts.

The First Vice Premier turned attention to the fact that alongside with representatives of well-known world brands the AtomExpo Belarus 2013 features national companies

Among the main goals of the forum Vladimir Semashko named, first of all, the presentation of the latest technologies in design, construction, exploitation and safety of nuclear power plants. “Secondly, today we should already be involved in the construction of such nuclear power plants and energy generating units as those Russia construct. We are currently taking part in the construction of two facilities of the kind,” the Belarusian official said.

In turn, Alexander Merten, Vice President of Rusatom Overseas (subsidiary of Rosatom State Corporation), noted that the holding of the exhibition on the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is quite symbolic. “The expo provides its participants with an opportunity to discuss issues and prospects of the nuclear sector, share opinions and expand cooperation,” he noted.

According to Mr Merten, Rosatom views Belarus as its strategic partner and has plans for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. “We are confident that our cooperation has big prospects. Together we are able to implement many significant projects,” he said. According to Alexander Merten, one of such projects is the construction of the Belarusian NPP.

“The construction process has been praised by the authorities of the two countries,” the official added.

About 80 enterprises and organizations from Belarus and Russia are taking part in the AtomExpo Belarus 2013. The main purposes of the expo are to present the latest technologies used to design, build, operate and ensure the safety of nuclear power plants, help assist the formation of a nuclear industry personnel training system in Belarus, to discuss matters relevant for the public acceptability of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

The expo is held upon the initiative of the Belarusian Energy Ministry due to the fundamental documents passed by the Belarus President and the government to build a proprietary nuclear power plant in Belarus.

The expo will stay open until 4 April.